So I thought about creating a blog to allow everyone who I am not currently in constant contact with know how this summer is going. For those of you who don't know what is going on this summer, I have an internship at my home church in Houston. I am one of three summer interns and one of 12 youth staff for our church this summer.
This summer holds a lot, a lot of planning for a lot of activities, a lot of trips, and a lot of God. I will explain about this summer's plans later because I want to explain the title of my blog page. For the internship we were asked to read a book that we would be using in our teachings and discussions. The book is called i am not but i know I AM, by Louie Giglio. It was a somewhat short read, and really good. The book explains how there is an amazing story playing out, involving the greatest character ever, but the thing is i am not that character. The most amazing being known to man is our God. When God calls Moses on Mt. Horeb in Sinai to free his people, Moses asks- who should I say sent me? God responds- tell them I AM sent you. I AM is the star of this amazing story, and good thing too. Even if I spent 100 years with 100 of the best writers on Earth, we would not be able to come up with anything that would even think about comparing to I AM's amazing story. Not only is there this story, but I AM even invites us to play a role in it. This is only a single part of the book, it is really good.
For the past two weeks (since I started) we have been getting situated, going over intro stuff, and preparing for the two mission trips coming soon. The first one is with a bunch of the college students (and others) to Costa Rica June 1-9 and the second is a youth mission trip (I think we are taking over a hundred students) on June 15-20. We have also been prepareing for Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Bible Studies. Costa Rica in t-59 hours!
The Begining
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i am not
Thursday, May 29, 2008
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