
currently: my summer in Los Angeles

I am so glad this whole colonization thing is working out

Wednesday 7.1.09

First day of July... Wow the summer is half over- for you going back to school. For me... well I’m working the rest of the year...

So I wanted to post, mostly to keep myself updated on my internships.

Yesterday was my first day in the office with Glassman Media. I spent most of the day reading through interview notes, looking for story points or audio clips to help narrate the reality video. This was pretty cool, I had fun figuring out what happened throughout the day, finding trends and what the guys were talking about the most throughout the day. After a few hours of finding trends and such, I was given a story line. So then instead of just looking for trends I had a list of things to look for. I was able to pick out audio clips and log them. It was a little difficult reading the scribble handwriting that the note takers had.
NOTETAKERS: So when someone is conducting an interview there are people who sit nearby (like I did) to take notes on the interview. In order to take good notes you write down ANYTHING that is said that would be helpful (lots of dialogue in a short amount of time = messy handwriting, anything you can do to to get the notes on the paper). I talk a little about this in my last post.
So I had to read scribble handwriting to find mentions of a list of different things. It was fun, but I ended up with a headache at the end of the day (maybe lack of water, maybe squinting all day...) but I went home (across the street) and watched the last two episodes of LOST season 4.

Today was my first day at Chiodo Bros. They had this guy who was making a comedy show... CHRIS... someone. But this guy made a lot of comedy stars (he mentioned Jim Carry, Robbin Williams and “Laugh In” to name a few. So this guy is working on a comedy show. Very low budget, he taught me a lot. We did some live action stuff, some green screen stuff and some puppet stuff (in front of a green screen). It was not a long day, but it was a fun day, and he said he would be looking for my contact information from the Chiodo Bros next time he starts something.

Umm I guess thats that.

Oh, umm. Saturday was awesome!
Surfing: I got up on a wave like 4 times... hang out then to “Art on Life” a group that meets once a month to watch a film and discuss it. Dinner after, met lots of cool people and made some good connections (more on this later).

Tribe didn’t meet on Sunday so I visited CA again.

Monday was classes. Oh and dinner for our Audio class. I need to make a desert Island 5 songs for next monday...

I don't know what they are, I don't think it is my top 5 most played songs from iTunes, that is just a bad representation of my favorites.

in the words of Charlie from Camp Stewart ‘back in the day:
“See ya when I see ya, PEACE!”

Friday 7.3.09

I wonder what the King of England was doing on July 3rd? Probably like "I am so glad this whole colonization thing is working out"

First to get this off my chest:
I can’t stand The Block apartment complex. Sometimes it is actually their fault but most of the time it is me being uninformed/ missing something/ things just not working out. Rent was due on the first and luckily I had over paid last month so I would not have to pay this month- but then I forgot about water (which by the way is 2 months back pay, not one like I had thought all freakin year). I was up till like 5am last night watching movies/ working on my computer (pointless stuff) so when all this was brought back into mind, I really got angry very quickly. I apologize to everyone for being short today (that right I shrunk a foot!). So I’m sitting here waiting for The Block to e-mail me the credit card form, so I can pay May’s water bill on time, and I start reading Hays’ Blog from camp... totally humbling... Please read it if you get the chance. She starts talking about her campers and the difficulties that might happen (I haven’t finished yet but I want to respond) and how big stakes were on the line and God totally pulled through for her and her campers (like he always does- he pulls through for His glory, not for ours) and I’m sitting here wollowing in a mirky pool of my own self pity... kinda puts things into perspective, huh?

“I will sleep when I’m dead”, but then I will be running around in Heaven praising God for eternity... so “I will get sleep- never” done and done.

To be positive this morning: I have had the privilege to catch up with several people this week. I talked to Beth last night, she is in San Diego, so we are in the same Time Zone at least. It was really good to catch up with her, I haven’t talked to her (except for like three min.) since Austin. We talked about how I watched Psycho the other night and we used to do scary movies at her place, though I was not there for Psycho...

Hey! there is the credit card form!

Of course I get the form and there is not transaction fee anymore, (would have been nice 9 months ago) but that is good news, I sent it in.... Things are shaping up... time to make the phone calls.

I also had a chance to talk to Collin this morning (before the tiger was unleashed) It is good to hear from him and how he is getting closer to... well... THE BIG DAY! and preparing for moving “up north” (everything is up north to us from Texas).

The second day at Glassman Media was fun. Erin, my supervisor, told me that the internship at Glassman Media was a “choose your own adventure” because they always had something for me to do, but I could choose when I wanted to come in, and when I wanted to work as long as I got the number of hours I needed. Thursday, I went in a little later (because I had hours from Chiodo Bros) and I started typing up notes from the interviews. This was probably even more difficult that just reading them because while reading them I could skip over words I didn’t understand, and still get the gist of the dialogue, here I had to type out as much as I could read. It was good though because I was able to help out the editor’s. Having the interviews on the computer makes it much easier to search for occurrences or people than skimming the pages of scribbled notes. The second half of the day I downloaded videos for them to use on their “sizzle reel” for their next show. Not original footage but they bought the rights to it so they could edit it together however they wanted.

I got to talk to Kevin McPherson (a guy I met through CRU, who happens to be in a ska band called The Quinns, check them out, they are really good slash I listen to them like every day, and I only wish I could play/ sing with them/ see another of their concerts). We are going to a 4th of July gathering tomorrow, yes he is in SoCal until the end of July. He is currently working with Habitat for Humanity, some sort of construction coordinator (or some big fancy title like that) which is not a big surprise, knowing McP, he is all over that stuff, but getting a big fancy title like that is really cool. Anyway if you don’t know McP, you should.

I almost posted this when I forgot: Meet-Up/ Art on life...
Tribe is a missional focused church for the NoHo area/ the industry. So the pastor invited me to this thing he called "Art on Life" it is a group of people who meet-up once a month to watch a film and discuss it. This summer they are focusing on Hitchcock. This past saturday we watched Psycho. It was really cool because it was NOT a christian discussion group but it allwoed me to meet people and talk to them about life. There are some really smart people in this group, who have some really insightful things to say about Hitchcock, Psycho, the industry and life in general. Afterwords we wet to BJ's for dinner. Good people, good food and good movies...

Umm so today is ‘get er done’ day. I have lots of stuff to do, including taking a nap - after you are awake for a certian number of hours, you should not be able to call it ‘going back to sleep’ because, well lets face it, that is what we do every night

“I’m going back to sleep”
“BACK to sleep, did you sleep some already today?”
“No, but I was asleep last night, and now I’m going BACK to sleep”

but I am also on this “Is LA where I need to be” quest. I don’t need to know if Houston or Austin or Chicago specifically is where I NEED to be, but only if LA is or is not where I need to be. August 5 is coming fast and if anyone is riding home with me, they need to get tickets fast... If I am leaving in August. Prayer Please. And Prayer for me to be Praying about this... I tend to shrug things off till the end- as evident by the Block water bill situation.