Wednesday July, 22
Hi Everyone!
I know, its been like a month since I posted last so this one might be a little long, and hopefully I can remember everything that has happened since then. Wow, July 5th. So I talked about 4th of July. I talked about the end of surfing, I talked about some of the internships stuff.
- 150 Hours Later
- Glassman Media
-Chiodo Brothers
-Outside Work
-Decisions for the future
-Family in for the weekend
-Art on Life group
-Comedy Sportz
150 Hours Later
So for my internships, for credit for the summer class (yes, I know I already graduated) I need a total of 150 hours of internship time. Luckily at the beginning of the summer I worked long hours for the reality show. I was clocking 20+ hours per week, and those hours add up fast. So once I started working with Chiodo Bros. I was clocking 32 hrs+ a week so I had lots of hours. So obviously I have completed 150 hours internship time, but I am hanging around to get more experience and face time with the people I am working with. The more I talk to people, the better idea of the industry I get. I was talking to someone today about taking classes, and getting credit- though I have already graduated- and they said “That is how you get places, you get ourself out there, you get face time with people and you volunteer for anything you can, they will say ‘Oh Cale jumped into editing and he didn’t have that much experience, well put him on _____’ and that’s more opportunities for you”. Different perspectives like that are why I’m still ‘volunteering my time’ (working for free).
Glassman media.
So at my internship for Glassman media, we went through several processes- okay I think I am getting a head of myself.
The Editing Process:
In order to get the most efficient editing process done there are two stages. The first are people who look through the tapes and create narration for the action, this is made up from interviews of the contestants. For example if in the show there was a paintball fight, Guy A would say “That was crazy” and Guy B would say “Well what happened was this, we went to the place and we played paintball and I got hit with a paintball and then I got out” wow that would be a great reality show. The second are people who take that narration and put it together with the reality footage for example, the footage would be of everyone in the car and play the audio “we went to the place”, when everyone is running around shooting each other with paintballs they would play the audio “we played paintball” then they would take a clip of someone jumping out of a tree on top of someone else and they would play the audio “that was crazy” then they would go to a close up of Guy B getting hit with a paintball and would play the audio “I got hit with a paintball”. So while you are watching the game happen you are listening to the guys describe it in an interview afterwords. So take that process and stretch it out over 20 different people and three weeks worth of footage. That is what is happening now.
So the difficult part is finding enough interview audio to cover everything that makes a good story line. We have done several things to make this easier, at first we just looked through the notes we took during the interview (see *Don’t look at them* section in the post on June 26th) to try and find specific interviews where someone would comment on something. Next we decided to type up these notes so you could search “paintball” in a word document if they is what you were looking for. After that we are just having the interviews transcribed- ideally word for word. So you could search someone’s name or “I got out” because you wouldn’t write that down on the notes.
We are using this program that captures all of our videos and sends them over a server to somewhere to get transcribed by people all over the USA. Pretty crazy but we keep running into problems with the system. Trouble shooting and problem solving are some of my greatest... well most fun... well... I’m learning a lot! It is pretty cool because while I am waiting for the tapes to capture I have time to talk to people and get their insight on the industry.
Chiodo Bros.
So I continue to work with this Chris guy on his projects. I am hardcore editing his stuff now, getting LOTS of face time with both him and Final Cut Pro, you might say I am becoming a Pro with Final Cut... at this point I’ll throw in the flag for a Groaner Foul (see the *Comedy Sportz* section). Over the past few weeks most of what I have been doing is editing these projects, I think one is an internet video and the other is a pitching tool, so I’ll let you know when the shows are up, or where to see them.
Both of the things I am editing for him are very Left Wing stuff, and very politically charged. Fortunately, I am not an Extreme Right Wing or Political person so... I am not getting offended by the things he is saying (I don’t think I would either way, I don’t get offended very easily- or I don’t think I do.)
This guy is a comical genius, because one of the projects I have been working on, makes me laugh every time I watch it, well every time I watch it with him, because he laughs at it. It definitely needs the group scene to reach its full potential of funny.
It is really neat to be in this studio, there is always something going on, usually getting ready for something, meetings or pitch work or setting up lights for a live recording... something, and the history that these guys have had in the industry and the productions that they have been a part of (Directors and Producers).
Outside Work
About a week a go, I was working long hours at the Chiodo Bros. trying to finish up an edit before I left. I got a call from Jackie, Our RA, who was looking for people to help out at her internship’s office. A reality company who needed transcriptions done THE NEXT DAY. So me and three others leave the apartment buildings at 8pm. $100 8hrs. not a bad deal. I figure it would be good experience and a little extra money. Albertson’s for caffeine, Popeye’s for diner then Santa Monica for a nights worth of work. We get into it, and things go slow. They needed 8hrs of tape in 8hrs (between 4 of us). I don’t know how fast people usually transcribe, but I spent 5 hrs on a 30 min. clip. I had to go through it 4 times because they wanted a separate sheet for each person in the interview, but I hope there are people who can do it faster. As far as the night went we were there until 7am, and still had a couple of hours not complete. I don’t know exactly how all that worked out but it was an experience nonetheless. So I slept in the next day and when I went into work late everyone asked if I was out partying the night before- “nope working” I said. But it was worth it.
Decisions For the Future
So the end of the UTLA program is coming up fast, August 5. Time to decide where I am going next. At the begining of the semester, one of my instructors made the statement “In this industry, you need to know exactly what you want to do, if you don’t you will get nowhere. If you try something and you don’t like it, you’ve wasted your time and have to start over.” Personally, I did not like that idea because I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I, more or less, made up my own statement: “I can explore and feel around and see what I want to do, and I will go far”. As this summer progressed, I have realized my statement does not really hold up- people don’t do you favors, or offer you job positions because they need someone who is willing to do- people offer you job positions because they are excited to help someone do what they LOVE to do. If I go out and have the mindset, “I’m gonna do whatever comes up” nothing will come up- there are enough people in the industry who are fighting for those positions. On the other hand if I know what I am interested in right now, and want to do that, and am EXCITED about doing that, someone might pick me up for a job doing that. So a more apt statement might be “If you are excited about what you want to do, and focus on one thing at a time, you will make it in the industry”.
So how does this apply to me? Currently, I am trying to figure out where I want to be and what I want to do. Currently, my future goal is the This American Life internship in January. Six months, one intern, This American Life. On that note, if anyone has interesting things they have been up to lately, and don’t mind me recording them please let me know, or I might call and try to set up an appointment, so be on your guard.
The real question is where do I go until then? I want to stay in LA until Timmy gets here but if I can not find work, that might not be an option. If not, its not the end of the world, whats an airplane ticket for a visit? But if not LA, where? I mean, I’ve got Houston and Austin, but work? living situations? community?
I find myself getting so worked up sometmes. But if when a sparrow falls (two for a penny) God does not have complete control over it and is still sad, how much more do I mean to him? The flowers of the field don’t toil over food, shelter, or clothes, how much more am I to God. He has me in his hands, I have nothing to worry about.
Ill keep the blog updated as to what I am doing.
Family in for the Weekend
well not much more to say about that, my family is coming in for the weekend. We have some stuff planned but I will be most excited to just spend time with them.
WB backlot tour?
Vinnace Beach?
Yes please.
Art on Life Group
So I went to the “Art on Life” group again this past saturday, we watched “Rear Window” and discussed it afterwords. Good conversation and I actually started a good point, or concept whatever you want to call it. It was pure regitation form Film class but it was the idea of us looking down on Jeffreys for spying on others and judging them, while that is exactly what we are doing watching him, and casting judgment on what he is doing. Think about it for a while. It was here that I also realized a litle bit more about myself. We were talking about seeing other people through the windows and getting bits and pieces of their stories. Someone said “We Like finding Meaning in other people’s stories” I thought -YES. That is what I enjoy the most. I think that is a lot about what This American Life is about. I think that is a lot about what fellowship, community and friendship is about. I love that quote so I’ll put it in here again:
We like finding meaning in other people’s stories.
Comedy Sportz
Comedy Sportz is comedy improv or com-prov-ity in the style of sports, not about sports. Very similar to “Who’s Line Is It AnyWay” but so much better- it is live and just a better system. So I was in Comedy Sportz High School League in HS, we worked with CSz professional league Houston team. One of the guys who graduated SWHS a few years before I did and joined the Pro league, and came back to help with our team is a guy named Brian. Well he is out in LA this summer taking classes at Second City (comedy school) but he is on the LA pro CSz team. He played this past sunday and I went to see him. The LA style and arena is set up very well, and really neat. Small intimate location and great players. So I volunteered a couple of suggestions. In High School when we went to pro matches (required) and got discounts, we were asked to allow a majority of the volunteering to be filled by paying customers, fair enough, but since then I have been very weary volunteering. So when the oppertunity to play moving bodies came up, I hesitated.. reverting to past experiences, but when no one else volunteered, I raised my hand. I think one of the things I get nervous about participating is when I havn’t had much practice, yes it take practice to keep good at it, I get very centerstage, and find myself on my backside embarrased when I fail. But I took an Improv class this past semester so I was up on my skills a little, and performed well, by allowing the Pro players to shine. IT WAS FUN! I think that is definately an option of community to get involved with wherever I go.
It sucks that this is at the end of the post becasue byt his time I am worn out of writing an djust want to get the post up, but Tribe has also been playing a major role in my time here in LA. We have been talking about so much and worship is actually worship. One of the neatest things they do is at the end of the sermon they invite you to worship in whatever way you feel led,
“If you want to sit quietly, please do. If you want to sing with the music, please do. If you want to take communion, it is avaliable to those who want to worship in that manner. There is an offering box in the back, if you are led to worship through that, please do so. This is a time of worship.”
I really appriciate the imprtance of worship, and all its many forms, and the true meaning of worship. That was an entire message one sunday, very convicting, very thought provoking.
well thats it for this post, hopefully ill post sooner and shorter next time.
A month Later.
Labels: California , comedy sportz , Internship , Los Angeles , tribe
back to basics: i am not, but i know I AM
Sunday July 5, 2009
Hey everyone, I guess it hasn’t been that long since my last post so either I’m getting bored watching TV/Movies... or I got something I feel like needs to be posted.
So I’ll get updates out of the way first:
Yesterday JULY 4th was fun, I went down to Irvine, CA - yea it’s just under an hour drive... but it was fun, I went to visit Kevin McPherson who is living in Irvine. We went to one of Kevin’s friends family parties, it was fun. It was really cool to see Kevin’s friend’s ENTIRE family there. They have this backyard with a pool, trampoline, and volleyball net. Showing up I was not sure who everyone was but as time went on someone would ask “Who is that?” and she would say “Oh that’s my cousin and her boyfriend” or “Oh that’s my grandfather” and she had a pretty big family with people of all ages. There was this five year old swimming in the pool with a float-y jacket on and he was just swimming... and he said “You know how far I swam?” I knew but said ‘no’ for the sake of conversation, he said “all the way from over there” as he pointed to the other side of the pool “you know why?” I said ‘no’ again, hoping for a response. “It’s cuz I’m five years old” and just kept swimming. Well that to say there were five year olds swimming around the pool.
So I showed up and hung out a little with Kevin, catching up (I hadn’t seen him since “The Quinns” concert over christmas break.) Find out that he is working through Ameri-Corps for Habitat for Humanity - I may have already mentioned this in the last post. Anyway- we start talking about churches and where he is going, he talks up Rock Harbor and his experience there, then remembers ”they are having a prayer and worship service today at five” I was like “oh yea, we should go”. So we go (Still damp from the numerous cannonballs and can-openers performed right next to us in the pool) but we drive over there and I got to tell you, it was a pretty cool place. It was set for probably 500+ people but there were only like 100 (max). But they played worship music and then had time for us to pray for our country, our leaders and our troops. It was really good. So good I am considering driving down there tonight for a sunday service. Well, back to the family party, more hang out. Meet people, Shannon and Shannon, (no relation), and then we break to meet up with one of Kevin’s other friends (Nando) to watch fireworks. We drive over to Kevin’s old place (where his friend lives still) and back to Kevin’s new place. Most of the fireworks went off while we were driving but we sat outside and watched the neighborhood kids play with the firecrackers they had. It was really cool. I got to talk to and spend time hanging out with Nando, he graduated High School and spent the entire year in Orange County, working for Habitat for Humanity. Yea, first year out of HS and he is halfway across the country (originally from... wow, was it Maine?) *all the way across the country* trying to figure life out. But we got to hang out, talk until like 11pm, I had a drive a head of me, which took extra long because everyone and their mom was trying to get from Orange County to I-10 (sorry “The 10” as it is called in Cali) at 11:00 at night. But I made it home by 12:30, not too bad for LA traffic.
Tribe this morning which is actually what prompted this post.
A few days ago I was wondering why I was in a kind of spiritual rut here in LA. I know to everything there is a season, but there was still something missing, that I needed, that I was striving toward a hole that was not being filled this summer. I gave myself some quiet time and started thinning about this blog’s namesake. “i am not”. I’m sure a lot of this is in the back pages of this blog but I figured it would not hurt to re-post.
“i am not” comes from a book written by... of course I didn’t bring it to LA, its in Houston. anywho Louie Giglio wrote the book, it is called “i am not, but i know I AM”, and it is the book we worked out of last summer for the Chapelwood youth internship.
The title seems like a contradiction, but it refers to how God named himself while talking to Moses on Mt. Sainai as “The Great I Am” so i (Cale) am not (insert most positions of power), but i (Cale) know “I AM” (the great I Am). Meaning that this world was not created for me, but I know who did create it.
So as I think about this concept, I remember a truth that is spelled out in the book (in my words of course):
When we are young (tiny, like that 5 year old), we are taught that everything in this world revolves around us, when we are hungry, we get fed, when we are tired, we are put to sleep. As we grow older we come to find out that most things don’t revolve around us, dinner time is when it is ready, not when we want food in our mouths, sleep time is at night, not during class when we are tired. These basic things are taught to us at a young age, try watching a 10 year old at a grocery store and see what revolves around him. When we get older (all growed up) we get into this same mindset we were taught when we were little, when I want to eat, I open the fridge and I grab an apple (or pudding in my case) and I eat. If I am tired, I walk into my room and lay down and sleep (or lay in front of the TV in my case). Yes, if I want money, I go to my job to earn money (but hey, if I don’t want money (or don’t need it at this point in my life) I don’t have to, my parents have taught me well but they are no longer able to make me wait for dinner as they could when I was younger. There are times when I see someone else and I help them, I give food to the homeless, or I help a friend pack when moving, or offer to mow the lawn, but lets face it... most of that is still at our disposal, our choice of weather to do it or not, the world still revolves around me, we seldom think about what is happening beyond our life. “i am not” discusses how the world did not start when we were born, nor will it end when we die.
I think it was Luke Withers last summer when talking about this took the toilet paper approach, he said “think about a roll of toilet paper, with like three or four hundred little squares on it. Now think about a single square a being our lives, physically how long we live, and the roll as time, the eternity (bear with me). If you unroll the roll and lay it out end to end, a single square is very small compared to the rest of the roll, and aside from two squares all of the squares are in the middle of the roll (something came before it and something comes after it), that is how we are, there is always something happening when we are born into this world.
My parents for example were in Florida, my dad working for Prat and Whitney, my mom teaching. When I came in it did not mean that they would stop what they were doing simply for me (no doubt they gave up quite a bit for me and my sister) but my dad is still an engineer and my mom is still teaching.- please not that this is a skeleton example, a lot more happened between my birth and now for my parents and myself but all this to say I did not come in at the beginning of the story, or any story for that matter - except my own.
When I die (long time from now) the rest of the people on this planet will not suddenly cease to exist, they will continue to experience the story of time (the roll of paper).
Two notes on this right now:
1. The roll of paper, even if it had 3 or 4 THOUSAND squares on it would not represent all of time. Time being eternity, the 3 or 4 hundred square roll would be like a square on an even larger roll of toilet paper.
2. Although it may seem that my little square’s worth of time in this infinite roll of paper is meaningless, let me give you hope. There is someone who looks at the roll of paper (the larger one, the one that represents eternity) as a single square, no there is not a larger roll that that square but to say one who sees the roll of eternity as a single story. That is God’s story.
God’s story encompasses all of time, from the creation of the earth (and before) to the end of time (LONG after this world, this planet Earth (and any other planet me might inhabit) is destroyed). The really cool thing is that God invites us into his story.
Not following? okay so the Bible is full of these people, Hebrews or The ‘Brews as Tim calls it, chapter 11 talks of tons of people who lived by faith, not in what they were doing but in what God was doing, and how God was inviting them to join in. 11:8 “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went even though he did not know where he was going” and through Abraham’s line (just as God had promised) came salvation for the world (The Christ, Jesus). Remember, Abraham had no idea why he was being re-located, but God had been working before then and would continue working long after Abraham.
Moses was called by God to stand up to the Pharaoh to bring God’s people out of Egypt. God had been at work in Egypt long before Moses and would be working with HIS people long after Moses was dead.
Yes, God’s plan through these guys was to bring salvation to the world. -There were so many people who played parts in this, Joseph, not giving up his pregnant fiancee for one, taking her to Bethlehem.-
but just to show you that it still happens (this is my favorite one): there was a man who was called by God (by name) in a vision, he was called to go to a very specific house and look for a man (by name), this man was known for arresting and harming Christ followers. He was told to go up to this man and proclaim the risen Christ- directly to this “persecutor of Christ followers” Now very easily he could have said “No, I will be killed,” well he did say that but God was persistent, he could have refused to go. But this man knew that it was not about himself, the story was not about his life and weather or not he would be arrested or harmed, he knew that God’s story was far more important. So he went, he placed his hands on this “persecutor of Christ followers” and proclaimed the risen Christ to this man. Personally, I am very lucky he did this, the man’s name was Ananias, and he is the one who proclaimed the name of Christ to Saul (later Paul) who as God said in Acts 9:15 “This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles (Gentiles= not Jewish people) and their kings and before the people of Israel”
So to sum it up, if Ananias had not seen the scope of God’s story I would not be a christian, and more importantly would not be invited to be a part of God’s story. (Okay, yes God would have made a way, his Plan and Will will always succeed but Ananias would not have been credited this by his faith).
I guess this is just a really long way of saying that what I have been missing here in LA is the realization that I am not in LA, so that I can have fun, or I can make contacts or I can see LA, I am not the center of this story, I am but a tertiary (or possibly a secondary) character to what God is doing here.
That is a majority of what we spoke about at Tribe today, the number of things we worship and how we worship and if we are worshiping our savior or not.
I hope this made sense (or at least most of it) please, if you want to talk about this I am super pumped about it. Call me or message me or something. there fore I leave you where I began: i am not, but i know I AM
-i am not
I am so glad this whole colonization thing is working out
Wednesday 7.1.09
First day of July... Wow the summer is half over- for you going back to school. For me... well I’m working the rest of the year...
So I wanted to post, mostly to keep myself updated on my internships.
Yesterday was my first day in the office with Glassman Media. I spent most of the day reading through interview notes, looking for story points or audio clips to help narrate the reality video. This was pretty cool, I had fun figuring out what happened throughout the day, finding trends and what the guys were talking about the most throughout the day. After a few hours of finding trends and such, I was given a story line. So then instead of just looking for trends I had a list of things to look for. I was able to pick out audio clips and log them. It was a little difficult reading the scribble handwriting that the note takers had.
NOTETAKERS: So when someone is conducting an interview there are people who sit nearby (like I did) to take notes on the interview. In order to take good notes you write down ANYTHING that is said that would be helpful (lots of dialogue in a short amount of time = messy handwriting, anything you can do to to get the notes on the paper). I talk a little about this in my last post.
So I had to read scribble handwriting to find mentions of a list of different things. It was fun, but I ended up with a headache at the end of the day (maybe lack of water, maybe squinting all day...) but I went home (across the street) and watched the last two episodes of LOST season 4.
Today was my first day at Chiodo Bros. They had this guy who was making a comedy show... CHRIS... someone. But this guy made a lot of comedy stars (he mentioned Jim Carry, Robbin Williams and “Laugh In” to name a few. So this guy is working on a comedy show. Very low budget, he taught me a lot. We did some live action stuff, some green screen stuff and some puppet stuff (in front of a green screen). It was not a long day, but it was a fun day, and he said he would be looking for my contact information from the Chiodo Bros next time he starts something.
Umm I guess thats that.
Oh, umm. Saturday was awesome!
Surfing: I got up on a wave like 4 times... hang out then to “Art on Life” a group that meets once a month to watch a film and discuss it. Dinner after, met lots of cool people and made some good connections (more on this later).
Tribe didn’t meet on Sunday so I visited CA again.
Monday was classes. Oh and dinner for our Audio class. I need to make a desert Island 5 songs for next monday...
I don't know what they are, I don't think it is my top 5 most played songs from iTunes, that is just a bad representation of my favorites.
in the words of Charlie from Camp Stewart ‘back in the day:
“See ya when I see ya, PEACE!”
Friday 7.3.09
I wonder what the King of England was doing on July 3rd? Probably like "I am so glad this whole colonization thing is working out"
First to get this off my chest:
I can’t stand The Block apartment complex. Sometimes it is actually their fault but most of the time it is me being uninformed/ missing something/ things just not working out. Rent was due on the first and luckily I had over paid last month so I would not have to pay this month- but then I forgot about water (which by the way is 2 months back pay, not one like I had thought all freakin year). I was up till like 5am last night watching movies/ working on my computer (pointless stuff) so when all this was brought back into mind, I really got angry very quickly. I apologize to everyone for being short today (that right I shrunk a foot!). So I’m sitting here waiting for The Block to e-mail me the credit card form, so I can pay May’s water bill on time, and I start reading Hays’ Blog from camp... totally humbling... Please read it if you get the chance. She starts talking about her campers and the difficulties that might happen (I haven’t finished yet but I want to respond) and how big stakes were on the line and God totally pulled through for her and her campers (like he always does- he pulls through for His glory, not for ours) and I’m sitting here wollowing in a mirky pool of my own self pity... kinda puts things into perspective, huh?
“I will sleep when I’m dead”, but then I will be running around in Heaven praising God for eternity... so “I will get sleep- never” done and done.
To be positive this morning: I have had the privilege to catch up with several people this week. I talked to Beth last night, she is in San Diego, so we are in the same Time Zone at least. It was really good to catch up with her, I haven’t talked to her (except for like three min.) since Austin. We talked about how I watched Psycho the other night and we used to do scary movies at her place, though I was not there for Psycho...
Hey! there is the credit card form!
Of course I get the form and there is not transaction fee anymore, (would have been nice 9 months ago) but that is good news, I sent it in.... Things are shaping up... time to make the phone calls.
I also had a chance to talk to Collin this morning (before the tiger was unleashed) It is good to hear from him and how he is getting closer to... well... THE BIG DAY! and preparing for moving “up north” (everything is up north to us from Texas).
The second day at Glassman Media was fun. Erin, my supervisor, told me that the internship at Glassman Media was a “choose your own adventure” because they always had something for me to do, but I could choose when I wanted to come in, and when I wanted to work as long as I got the number of hours I needed. Thursday, I went in a little later (because I had hours from Chiodo Bros) and I started typing up notes from the interviews. This was probably even more difficult that just reading them because while reading them I could skip over words I didn’t understand, and still get the gist of the dialogue, here I had to type out as much as I could read. It was good though because I was able to help out the editor’s. Having the interviews on the computer makes it much easier to search for occurrences or people than skimming the pages of scribbled notes. The second half of the day I downloaded videos for them to use on their “sizzle reel” for their next show. Not original footage but they bought the rights to it so they could edit it together however they wanted.
I got to talk to Kevin McPherson (a guy I met through CRU, who happens to be in a ska band called The Quinns, check them out, they are really good slash I listen to them like every day, and I only wish I could play/ sing with them/ see another of their concerts). We are going to a 4th of July gathering tomorrow, yes he is in SoCal until the end of July. He is currently working with Habitat for Humanity, some sort of construction coordinator (or some big fancy title like that) which is not a big surprise, knowing McP, he is all over that stuff, but getting a big fancy title like that is really cool. Anyway if you don’t know McP, you should.
I almost posted this when I forgot: Meet-Up/ Art on life...
Tribe is a missional focused church for the NoHo area/ the industry. So the pastor invited me to this thing he called "Art on Life" it is a group of people who meet-up once a month to watch a film and discuss it. This summer they are focusing on Hitchcock. This past saturday we watched Psycho. It was really cool because it was NOT a christian discussion group but it allwoed me to meet people and talk to them about life. There are some really smart people in this group, who have some really insightful things to say about Hitchcock, Psycho, the industry and life in general. Afterwords we wet to BJ's for dinner. Good people, good food and good movies...
Umm so today is ‘get er done’ day. I have lots of stuff to do, including taking a nap - after you are awake for a certian number of hours, you should not be able to call it ‘going back to sleep’ because, well lets face it, that is what we do every night
“I’m going back to sleep”
“BACK to sleep, did you sleep some already today?”
“No, but I was asleep last night, and now I’m going BACK to sleep”
but I am also on this “Is LA where I need to be” quest. I don’t need to know if Houston or Austin or Chicago specifically is where I NEED to be, but only if LA is or is not where I need to be. August 5 is coming fast and if anyone is riding home with me, they need to get tickets fast... If I am leaving in August. Prayer Please. And Prayer for me to be Praying about this... I tend to shrug things off till the end- as evident by the Block water bill situation.
Labels: California , friends , Internship , Production , Surfing , Texas
Update:7.3.09 Sorry I called it GEEKing products, It is in fact gReeking (with an R). Thanks to Kara for posting in my comments so I would notice the error of my ways (an Err-Or, what Err-Or?)
*Written Thursday 6.25.09*
I know its been a while since I have updated. And I know the last time didn't really have much to do about LA and what I am doing here. So (hopefully) this one will make up for lost time.
Things to read about in this post (and so I can keep myself on track):
*that's a WRAP! <- we wrapped the show I was working on!
*LOST in LA <- How watching 4 hrs of TV can actually inspire me
*Bangerang, Peter <- Being on set actually allows me to be MYSELF
*Leave the keys in the car <- Stories from the industry
*don't look at them <- I actually got to sit in on Interviews this week
*Waffles and Chicken <- My Saturday was a lot of fun
*Meet me in Austin <- Catching up with old friends
*t-pat <- life lessons by “the other tony”
*new blog design! <-just that... a new blog design. well i guess ill get started.
that's a WRAP
I have been working on this reality show for the past three weeks (Tuesdays and Wednesdays about noon to midnight), I was there for the first day of filming and the last day of filming (yesterday). Luckily I will not be on set for the HOUSE WRAP which is today and tomorrow.
HOUSE WRAP (fyi): When you shoot (film) on location, you either rent or borrow a house, but the way the house is set up is not always the way that works best for the project you are doing. Also, no one wants you to use their stuff (wear and tear) SO you EMPTY the house out (move all the furniture, appliances and kitchenware OUT). So now you have an empty house, like you just moved in. Then you choose what you want where, and you re-furnish the house, television rooms become bedrooms, bedrooms become interview rooms, living rooms become Executive Offices ect ect. At the end of the project EVERYTHING MUST BE BACK EXACTLY AS IT WAS, which is why before you move anything you take massive amounts of pictures of everything, from the location of dog bowls to the arrangement of furniture. So today and tomorrow the crew is busy cleaning up everything that the cast (and crew) messed up and clearing out the house and putting everything back in its place.-But that is not what I am doing.
I on the other hand, helped WRAP the show. Because most of the show (Reality TV) is created in post (editing) one day does not mean one episode. The last episode of the show was filmed over two days (my last two days). Fortunately that means that there was not a late night on Tuesday because we had to be there at nine on Wednesday. Most of these days were spent with the Art Department. So the end of the show was at this gazebo that we made (well the art department made) that was covered with flowers. We got a shipment’s worth of fake flowers (plastic and wires) to decorate this gazebo (and other set decorations) with. I spent most of my time the first day cutting those flowers off the stems (they would come in bouquets of 5-10 flowers, but we needed them separate). Because they had wires in the middle of the plastic, I had to use wire cutters, and some of those wires were pretty thick. So I cut flowers for a while and then was able to sit in on an interview (see the “don't look at them” section). After the interviews I went back to cutting and placing these flowers on these set pieces. I chalk-lined carpet, we made a giant heart out of the carpet and needed a grid to sketch the heart out on. Early in the day we had a couple of big styrofoam pieces brought in. We worked with styrofoam in High School Theater- most of our more intricate set pieces were either entirely styrofoam or covered in styrofoam so knew a little about how to handle it. We cut this styrofoam and painted it. There were eight pieces of eight foot by four foot by eight inch pieces (standard plywood size), we covered them in paint and did detail work- styrofoam soaks in liquids and the surface is not always completely flat so there are little white holes all over the surface- those got painted as well. For most of that night we cut flowers and put them on the set pieces. We were there till 12:30 or so working on these set pieces that need to be set up the next day by 2:00.
WEDNESDAY: Call time 9:00, you guessed it cutting flowers again. Erin, my internship supervisor worked her magic and found me an interview to sit in on. (again “don’t look at them” section). After some stress with getting the set pieces finished, I did some errand work (up and down the hill), some GREEK-ing, and some traffic control. The greeking I did was covering up the logos and names on a car that was used in the shot.
GREEK- In television (and any visual medium) when you want to use an object but you don’t want to pay for royalties on the logo, you greek the logo: usually tape the color of the background, just to cover up the name, but trying to make it as inconspicuous as possible. Any logo you see on TV or film either is paid for by the company as “advertisement” or is paid for by the producer to associate the name with the show- yes Tim you were right about this.
I have not really been keeping up with who has been getting kicked off the show as the weeks have gone by, but after sitting in on some interviews I was moderately interested in who was going to win. When they set up the final elimination, the producers asked anyone not necessary to the current project to get out of sight (reason: see “don’t look at them” section) so I went around the corner so I could hear what was going on. NO, I am not going to give away the winner of the show so you can bet your friends and win. After the final elimination was done, Tony (Production manager- see: “t-pat” section) sent Thomas (another PA) and I to return the stuff, (bags, bags, hanging clothes, more hanging clothes and more bags) to the celebrity’s house. On this drive i got to hear lots of cool stories by Thomas (see: “leave the keys in the car” section). I guess that is all for THAT’S A WRAP
Today, I spent most of the day in my apartment, resting. I got the third disk of LOST in NETFLIX and watched all four episodes in a row. GOOD STUFF. In the episodes, trying not to give too much away to those who have not seen it. John Locke is dealing with his destiny, trying to figure out what he is supposed to do, so he looks to “The Island” to try and figure out what his next move is. After a while we realize that he is not really following orders for himself but in service to the Island. Anywho, also today I got a letter from Hays (Haley Vincent) who is at SkyRanch camp for the first part of the summer. In her letter she reminded me that (if you don’t mind Hays): “it truly honestly really is not about Me and what I am going to get out of it.” and “[my] time in LA is not about [me] and what [I] am going to gain from it. It is about Him and His plans & how He will use this time to teach [me] and grow [me] and use [me] to influence others.” I thought I am a lot like these characters on LOST right now. I am running around like Jack who is doing everything he can to get off the island (and get everyone else off the island)- a good thing? Yes. I (Jack) am working to get people rescued? Yes. But is that the best thing? I don’t know. I should be more like Locke, following the island’s direction. Right now I don’t know who is ‘good’ and who is ‘bad’ on the show LOST but that is what it is about. I am, however saying (and agreeing) that my time in LA is not about me having fun (though I am/will), it is not about me getting to see other parts of the US (though I do), it is about following God’s will and serving Him wherever I am, and watching HIM move through and around me. Really, that is what this blog was named after “i am not, but i know I AM” it is not about me, but I know the one it is about.
Bangerang, Peter
So talking to people from home, I have started to realize one of the reasons why here is different from Austin. In Austin, I had a group of people (Roommates, LHMess, CRU) who would accept me for who I am, and to be honest theater-nerd at heart, singer, pop music fan. Here, I have not found that group of people yet, most of the people who I spend time with are “too cool for school”- (actually just not theater/musical-nerds, don’t get excited by these things). Hey its cool, everyone has their own thing. On set there is a PA named Lindsey, we got along for the most part, work well together. While we were painting those styrofoam pieces (see: “that’s a WRAP” section) I started humming “The Last 5 Years” and she started singing it. As it turns out, she is totally a theater-nerd, musical lover and dancer. We sang most of the evening (much to the chagrin of the other PAs) everything from L5Y to West Side Story to Gershwin songs. Well this section just to say there are those who will put all cool-ness aside and sing. Oh and Avenue Q but when I tried to do harmonies, well lets just say it didn’t quite sound as good as the musical. Oh, right Lindsey enjoys saying “Bangerang, Peter”.
okay so it is getting late on Thursday so I will save the rest for tomorrow, Friday.
*written Friday 6.26.09*
Leave the keys in the car
So when you are filming on site (not is a studio) there tends to be a problem with parking spaces, (a place NOT intended to hold LOTS of cars, parking an entire crew and cast’s worth of cars). Therefore, when you drive and park on site you usually double park cars and leave your keys in your car incase it needs to be moved while you are busy. There are a couple vehicles rented by the production (15 passenger vans and cargo vans) and when you park one of these vehicles you also leave the keys in the vehicle so the next person who needs it can use it. These vehicles are used, among other things, to drive talent around (the actors and actresses), and to drive their stuff around.
That being said, on Wednesday (last day of production) night Thomas (one of the other PAs) and I drove the talent’s stuff to her house (her hanging clothes and bags of costume and “essentials”). The drive was like 30 min each way and I was able to ask Thomas some about himself (one of the things I enjoy more than anything else). As we were talking, we got onto the topic of “at least one close call happens on every production you do.” He told me some of his stories like (I will try to put this in first person):
On one of the productions I did, we were filming down on Venice Beach and well there is not much room on the beach or the basketball courts, that is where we were filming, to house Base Camp with the offices and changing rooms and such. We set up Base Camp like 2 blocks away and while it wasn’t a long walk, I was transporting people back and fourth in these 15 passenger vans. The parking lot where Base Camps was, was being worked on and they were painting new lines and arrows, and moving blockades around. “Fortunately” for me I had been working since midnight the night before and therefore was “very aware.” So I was driving this one actress back to base camp and I was following the arrows and what I did not see was those “exit spikes” (the ones that fold down when you drive over them the right way but if you drive over them the wrong way, your tires pop). So I was driving into this parking lot and the actress I was driving shouted “STOP!” I ended up like three inches away from the spikes, three inches from blowing out all four tires on this van the production was renting.
On another production I was was working, I was driving one of the male talents around, an older guy who needed assistance getting in and out of the vehicle. So I drove him home and I got out of the vehicle to help him get out and get his stuff out. As he was getting out, he hit the “door lock” switch and he closed the door. Well I help him to the door and o back to get into the van and the doors are locked, and the keys are in the ignition. I start freaking out! I am 60 miles away from base camp, its 12:30 in the morning and I locked the keys in the ignition. I check the back doors, locked. I check the side doors, Locked. I check the passenger door, Locked. I was freaking out. I looked up and the talent I drove home cracked the window like five minutes before we arrived. Just enough to reach my hand in and flip the “unlock” switch. That was another close call.
On that same production, I was asked to move a 15 pass van to “launch position” next to the house, to move the talent out as fast as possible. Well the talent gets to the van and I get a call over the walkie-talkie asking where the keys to the van are. I knew I left them in the van like I am supposed to, but I checked my pockets, not there, I radioed back that they were in the van. They said the keys were not in the van “Who was the last to drive it?” (aka Who do we fault?) that would be me... I told them they were in the visor, not there. The ENTIRE production is waiting on the guys to get into the van, and driving off. I begin to run over to the van in order to help look for the keys (I’m like 100 yards away). Well, before I get there they find the keys (someone else had moved them), they were in the back or something... But they were found.
These may not sound like big deals but... well they are. If these things had gone through (tires popped, keys locked in the vehicles) my friend Thomas would have been in big trouble... We talked about the different positions in a production, about audio (what he wants to do), how to get into the different positions in a production. Interestingly enough I had a similar conversation with several people earlier that day and the day before while helping out with the interviews for the show. That brings me to:
don't look at them
My internship supervisor worked her magic and allowed me to sit in and help take notes on some of the interviews. It was very interesting to see how the producers get the sound bites they want and start putting together stories and narration for the editing process even while they are conducting the interview. I’ve been told that in order to be a producer you need to be able to listen to two different things (ie: your walkie-talkie and the interview) and be able to plan ahead in your questions. While talking to some of the producers, I got a good idea of some of the different positions on set, and where to start on the production side. Oh, some of the advise I was given while taking notes on an interview was not to look at the interviewee, the less people who look at the interviewee, the more personal the interview feels and the more open the interviewee feels. Obviously I wouldn’t do this if I were conducting the interview, but if I am just taking notes, facing my back to the focus, helps keep it personal.
Waffles and Chicken
so this was almost a week ago, so pardon my fuzzy memory please. A group of us have signed up for surfing classes every saturday (3 weeks) and we end up staying in Santa Monica for the rest of the day, to enjoy the beach. Last saturday, we went to surf lessons (after a pretty late night friday) but we got there a little late. Surfing was fun, after we went to Rosco’s Chicken and Waffles. I had only had chicken and waffles once before. My grandmother took me to this place in Houston for breakfast a few years ago over Christmas break. Personally, I like Chicken and waffles better for breakfast but it was pretty darn good for lunch, at like 3:00. Well after that we went back to the beach and played sand volleyball till dusk, well and even after that. Home that night and ready for TRIBE the next morning.
Meet me in Austin
So I have spent a lot of time in LA and haven’t really been able to keep up with a lot of my friends from Texas. Last Saturday I got to talk to Hays (Haley Vincent) for a while and catch up on life. We talked a lot about camp, how awesome camp is, great camp memories and the differences between our camps (which I think I remember several conversations about.) Last Sunday (I think it was sunday) I was able to talk to my good friend Timmy Longo, we caught up on life and what is going on. Speaking of Austin and friends, I am currently watching King Of the Hill, an episode where Bill joins a Mens Chorus. It looks like a slightly less active Longhorn Singers, especially since half the songs they sang through the span of the episode we have sung in Singers. At the end of the episode Bill claims “These Guys are my friends” and Hank explains how Bill has only been giving to the chorus, and not receiving anything back. I thought “that is NOT LHS, I received sooo much from that group. I want you to know how much I miss you all LHSers.
Not much in this section, just a cool note: The Production Coordinator for this production I was working on, his name is Tony. Several times when I was talking to him, I almost brought up some Tony Robinson quotes... but this is Tony Patterson (I want to call him t-pat, after t-rob but didn’t). This Tony guy has some good advise, the summation of his advise is “take charge, don’t let others walk over you. Know what you want, what you need and don’t let other’s walk over you.” Like he sent me on this run to as he called it “Kinkies” (Kinkos) to print out pictures for reference for House Wrap (see the “that’s a WRAP” section). I go in and to print out two copies was going to be like $280.00- when I called t-pat he said not for that price... So t-pat haggled with the guy through me over the phone. That was pretty cool. Like “what kind of deal can we get for this large quantity?” at the end of the night we got a discount, not sure for what or how but we did.. it was pretty cool. When I asked him about it, t-pat said “You just have to go in knowing what price you have and either get it down to that price or go somewhere else”. There was another time when we had someone come and pick up stuff from set and we had a little extra for them to take. They wanted to leave without picking it all up and t-pat said “they are paid for one thing, that is their only priority, you have to understand that and get them to understand that there is more they can do for you”. Looking back at this, it seems a little demanding, not LOVING, but I guess there is a way to communicate in a loving way what you need, and how to get it done.
new blog design!
i was on twitter and found both Kara and Kelly’s blogs (now to the right of the posts) and found a site that does templates for blogger. I set it up and set up my blog list including HAYS’ blog about camp, and Kelly and Kara’s life in LA blogs.... check them out if you have time.
Well 8 pages of blogging... lots of time and thought in this one, I apologize that the last half of this post was kinda not organized... I’m tired and I have a new day of surfing tomorrow. Oh and I went swimming tonight, at dusk. It got kinda creepy, so then I left.
Good Night and Good Luck.
I am not in Los Angeles for me. I am here for the glory of GOD, to allow him to work through me...
Labels: California , friends , Internship , Los Angeles , LOST , Production , singing , Surfing , waffles
Harvey Dent and The Christ
So a little background on this topic, on this idea:
Last week at Bible study Shannon (they guy who is leading it) brought up the concept that there is way too much junk we inject into our minds/hearts via, well everything: TV, movies, music, internet. There is a growing trend to only eat organic stuff and be super watchful of what you put into your body-physically. This is probably a very good thing, but I think that, more importantly, what we feed our minds/hearts should be watched closely and picked out with great detail. If when we eat fatty foods/ eat chemicals in our foods, what happens to our bodies? They do not stay "in shape," likewise if we consume lean foods or organic foods our bodies are in better condition, they reflect what we consume. Why is this any different with our heart and mind? If we consume a movie that not only presents but champions the husband who leaves his wife for "the love of his Life" what are we going to do when we run into trouble in our own marriage? If we listen to music that is ALL about finding that significant other, and when we don't our lives SUCK, what are we going to be focused on? Likewise if we listen to music that champions those who humble themselves and cling to the cross of Christ, what will our lives be focused on?
We talked a while about what it would look like for us to watch what we consume, actually turning a movie off that feeds us false morals, or choosing to listen to music that keeps us on the right track. *interesting enough parents do this for their children all the time but we feel like once we are old enough we can make the choice ourselves, whether we do or not*
That night I was listening to the radio and had changed through several songs and came across the song "I Will Buy You A New Life" by Everclear, and right as I was going to change it because well I don't need to consume false promises, or get ideas on how to pick up girls... I listened to the lyrics:
I will buy you a garden
Where your flowers can bloom
I will buy you a new car
Perfect shinny and new
I will buy you that big house
Way up in the west hills
I will buy you a new life
Yes I will
and I thought "wow, this guy thinks he can actually purchase someone a new life? There is not enough money in the world to buy someone a NEW life, once it is gone, it is gone, people have been trying for years to obtain immortality. NO ONE has enough money. But what if it wasn't purchased with money?" Christ purchased our salvation with his blood, paid in full. In that case, what an amazing offer: "I will buy you a new life" not only that but "I will buy you a garden, where your flowers can bloom" The first part of John 15 talks about a vine and a vine dresser and Galatians 5 talks about fruit of the spirit and how it is to be grown through us. The analogy can go on but that is not what this is supposed to be about....
*************Spoiler Alert: The Dark Knight- if you haven't watched it its a good story, I'm not commenting on it appropriateness, you'll have to read other reviews and experience it to figure that out, but it is a good story***************************
On the idea of, things not intended to resemble Christ can still do a really good job of it, I got up this morning and found "The Dark Knight" as I was watching the end of the movie where Harvey/Two Face kills all those people and in order to keep his evil side hidden from Gotham, Batman takes the fall, I turned to Tommy (roommate) who was sitting next to me and said "This is probably one of my favorite concepts in film today, Batman is whoever Gotham need him to be" and I sat down and thought about why I was so fascinated with this concept. I realized it was an original superhero concept (as far as I am aware) the Hero has to take the blame, to keep the city together/safe. Then I though about how unoriginal this concept was in general- though still an AMAZING CONCEPT:
This is what Christ has done for us. We- Humankind- were once living in righteousness with God, -that was the garden of Eden in the beginning of Genesis- (Harvey was the Gotham's symbol of righteousness). Satan finds our weakness (as the Joker did) and make us fall (as Harvey does at the end of the movie). We sin (Harvey kills several people- including COPS) and our righteousness is tainted (as Harvey is no longer righteous in the eyes of the city) BUT WAIT! Jesus Christ comes in- he who is righteous in the eyes of God- (this is Batman who has done only what will help Gotham) and sacrifices his righteousness for our sake (for Harvey Dent), so that when God looks at us (Gotham), he sees only the righteousness of Christ (Batman).
It is really powerful to watch that part of the movie, and see the direct symbolism. Almost as cool as watching Lucy in "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" stand up against an entire army with just a small knife, and seeing Aslan step out next to her.
Well hopefully a more LA oriented post tomorrow but for now: bedtime!
oh a little more about Batman & Christ (I haven't read through it all yet but hopefully it helps)
Labels: Batman , Bible , Everclear , Harvey Dent , The Dark Knight
Three weeks into Los Angeles
So I guess it has been three weeks since I got to Los Angeles. It has gone by so fast. Week one was mostly hanging around the apartment. Looking for internships, settling in, watching TV. Not much interesting. Oh except for an interview with Glassman Media.
Sunday (5.31.09) I went with Kelly Archer (Patrick and Michael Johnson's cousin) to Grace Community Church. AMAZING choir, full orchestra, nice people. I met Kelly's friend Andrew who took us to Grace. After church we went to California Pizza Kitchen (and yes it is even better in California). We were going to go to Santa Monica beach but CPK took too much time (I mean good time spent, good food, good conversation) so we went to the Griffith Observatory. Yes there is a building but most of the fun was being on top of the largest hill in the area and just looking out over the city(s). It was an amazing view and fun to see what my dad had mentioned earlier:
Once there were a lot of little towns in the area and they all had their own streets and street names, and street directions. As the towns grew bigger, the streets met together and that is why when you are driving down a street, it swerves around and changes names, you are driving through what used to be lots of little towns.
I saw the streets and the way they intersected and swerved around. That night Kelly and I went to Christian Assembly of Eagle Rock. Kelly's father knew someone who knew someone who works at Christian Assembly (CA). Very fun church, great people, great music. Met Cheryl (Kelly's Father's Friend's friend) she introduced Kelly and I to many people and to a guy working in the industry who leads a small group (Shannon). Food afterwords with these cool people, I went home to get rest for class on Monday.
Classes started Monday (6.1.09). I went to all three classes on Monday. 9am was "How Hollywood Works" good class, it will be very informative and will help in understanding the industry. 1pm was "The creative process" discussing the... well creative process and how ideas get from ideas into stories. 7:30pm is "The Music Industry" very fun class, we talk about music (can't complain about that).
The rest of that week was mostly in the apartment, working on internships. Thursday (6.4.09) I went in and talked to Glassman Media about the internship. Thursday afternoon I went and visited Mechnology Visual Effects, amazing studio, really cool audio rooms, full folley rooms, big computers. Actually while I was there they were finishing up a little intro for a Disney Show called "Sunny With A Chance" real cool little animation. It was cool to see how things work inside a VFX studio. After was "New Media" class, very interesting stuff but not my cup of tea.
Friday (6.5.09) I went and visited Chiodo Bros. Productions. They do stop motion animation (like the intro to Elf and some claymation for the Simpsons). I got to go over and talk to the guy for a while and he let me help with the project he was working on. Stop motion animation take a long time (we spent like 2 hrs on a 4 ft camera move across a set) but it was a lot of fun, just getting to help out. After we were done, we looked at it and we did some calculations wrong and he said "Oh well, Ill re-shoot it tomorrow" like it was nothing, but it did only take 2 hrs. not like it was three days of work that had to be done over. Friday Night I went to see "The Hangover" with some people from UTLA program. By the time we got there at 9:00 the earliest available show time was 11:50. So we bought tickets and went to Fudruckers. We went to the show, it was pretty good, pretty funny but almost too formula for me. Anywho home and sleep after.
Saturday (6.6.09) didn't do much but Saturday night I joined a group going out. After we went back to someones apartment and watched "Tropic Thunder". By the end of the night it was real late.
Sunday (6.7.09) I slept in, I was going to get up for "The Hollywood Church" but I slept in. Brunch at noon, and Kelly and I went to meet some of her friends in Santa Monica. Lunch at Three Squares, then went to the outdoor mall in Santa Monica. On the street I saw this guy playing guitar on the street, his style reminded me a lot of Jimmy Needham. Well it was fun, he played a couple of covers that were really fun to listen to, including "Irreplaceable". We went to CA after and home to get ready for Monday classes.
Monday (6.8.09) "How Hollywood Works" class, fun. That night for the music class we went to Molly Malones to see Amy Wallace live. She plays really fun country/rock and played a couple of cover references (songs inside her songs). Went home and to sleep to get ready for Tuesday.
Tuesday (6.9.09) I woke up and went to my internship at 10am. I got there and was put immediately to work. I was placed in a PA position so I was doing all the grunt work. The first thing I did was park cars, "Crew Parking" was up on a hill and I had to get as many cars as possible in a very small space. It was fun, but tedious, lots of people not wanting to park on the hill, or where I direct them to, understandingly so. The production office for the show was at the bottom of the hill and the house they were filming in was of course at the top of the hill. I was able to run errands for people, OH and I got a walkie talkie with an ear piece, and not just a "headphone" ear piece but one of those FBI style, with the bungee and the talk part that you can hide in your hand. It was so cool. There is a lot that I learned about "Reality TV" and how things are put together, how a schedule works, how secrete things need to be from the contestants. The contestants came in for the first time to the house, they each had 4 bags. Yes 4 bags each, 20+ guys in one house. I was there on set from 10am to 12:30am. By the end of the night I was definitely ready to go home.
Wednesday (6.10.09) 12:00 call time. A lot of what I did was help out the art department in making "trash". We filled trash bags with paper, and food.
Thursday (6.11.09) I went in at 12:30 and left at 4:00. There was a lot of issues with 20+ guys using 3 bathrooms. I cleaned out a Land Rover, and detailed it. I went home at 4:00 so I could make it through traffic and home before the men's group. Went to Shannon's house (yes, Shannon is a guy). We talked a while, prayed a bit and went to "The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf" I had a really good frozen Chi Tea Late, like an icee, it was sooo good. Home, sleep and today was rest day.
14hrs on Tuesday and 12 hrs on Wednesday and not resting on Thursday make me very exhausted.
oh I forgot to mention: i posted video Dad and I took on the way to LA, just of the landscape, and interesting things on the way, at the end is a quick tour of the LA Apartment.
Today I was able to read Haley's blog, it was really cool.
Check in for more later. Love to everyone.
Labels: California , Church , Internship , Los Angeles
Day Three to LA
Sorry I didn't post last Night, I was at my cousins house in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.
Day 3, we woke up a little later than before (7:00) but we were still both on central time so when our body clocks woke us up at 8:00, it was actually 6. We drove around Yuma a little, went down Old main street in Yuma and there were some pretty cool OLD shops. We tried to tour the Prison but it was closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. So we set off for San Diego.
I-8 through two or three Boarder patrol stops. Once we got into San Diego County (not the city) we started passing through some crazy big mountains (see pictures). We drove through a few cities east of San Diego but turned up on I-15. San Diego to LA is not that long...
We ended up in Rancho Cucamonga at my cousins house. We went out to eat at "Islanders". Back to the house to hang out.
This morning, woke up and checked into my apartment by 10:00. Drive around Burbank, eat at Paty's Coffe (like a diner). Went by George Barris's show room, it was cool.
Groceries and home.
Labels: Los Angeles , Texas
Road Trip To Los Angeles- Day Two
ft stockton, TX to Yuma, AZ. 12 hrs of driving, three time zones, three states. It was actually fun... lots of things to see. And yes we went to Yuma. We were going to drive to Tuscon, AZ but we got there at like 2:00 (TX time -12:00 AZ time) and wanted to keep going. We were going to go through Phoenix but saw Yuma and had to come through, and now we are less than 4 hrs from LA. so tomorrow we are going to take our time getting into LA to see things here and in south cali. umm well i think thats most of what happened today.
check out these pictures:
Labels: Los Angeles , Texas
Graduation and Day one to LA
Okay, so graduation was yesterday and the day before! The comm graduation was pretty cool, it was long but the really cool one was the University Wide graduation celebration. We processed in and spent a while yelling and cheering. We were presented by college, I might add that the Comm school was the LOUDEST and the most excited. Robert Rodriguez spoke and had some really cool stuff to say, and not only did I graduate the same year he did, I graduated the same college and school as he did (BS in RTF, 2009) that's right!
pictures are here:
Labels: Graduation , Los Angeles , Texas